
Limited-Edition REK607 Tees!

Greetings! My name is REK607 and I'm excited to launch my first t-shirt design. I'm a urban artist related to graffitistreet artstencils and stickers. I'm exploring the  giantic world of creativity and digital design in as many ways as I can. I strongly believe that learning means power, but this idea is sometimes expensive, especially when you need new stuff or paying to visit museums.

This original design is inspired by 80's Transformers cartoons "mad villain" character Megatron, following the stencil concept and mixing it with my own pattern and style. By buying this limited edition (and high quality!) urban t-shirt you're supporting and funding my adventures in Europe, where I get inspiration to create and I do meet new artists I usually contact on the Internet.

More tees are coming, stay tuned!


All Stuck Up: call for Artists

Join us at 10 pm on November 8th, at Brooklyn Stable for a night of great art, music and drinks. We have organized an event with sticker artists specifically in mind. This is your chance to submit YOUR art to be displayed at an art show in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. 

Submit your art to: 

All Stuck Up
23 Olive Place

Be sure to invite anyone who might be interested in this event!

Just a brief list of artists who have already agreed to submit art to our show: Kashink, Dead Eyes, Nite Owl, Bride Campaign, Goons, Sleep, Garth, Rx Skulls, Saint Virus, Six Stickx, A Queen Aminah, Aly Ungshoo, Yulfo, Chris Riggs, & Christine Cordero.

Art will displayed on all available walls, and any art submitted to us before our deadline WILL ABSOLUTELY be displayed for all to see.

We will are accepting stickers, posters, and card boards. Contact us if you have any questions!

If there is anything that you may want back following the show please be sure to contact Murdoc or Ariella [ari.saves@gmail.com]

The first people to arrive will receive sticker packs, as a thank you for attending the event.

People people in attendance will also be treated to live DJ's, as well as having access Brooklyn Stable's beautiful patio.

$6 beers and shot specials will be available.

Brooklyn Stable is located at: 486 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY, 11121


All Stuck Up
23 Olive Place



by DJ JS-1 aka JERMS, TOPAZ and LADY K aka FEVER. "ROCK STEADY CREW" wall at 5Pointz on KOOL HERC day celebrating 40 years of hip hop...



You’re making your own stickers, you’d love to participate in a collective art-piece.
Now you can send to me a bunch of your slaps for a cool combo. I’m open to trade too.

Here is the DEADLINE for a nice combo: October, 15th 2013
Shipment to: « BAMMMMMMM »
Baptiste Lefebvre
Bureau culturel
Rue de Berne 63

Shipment can be declared as: « art work for cultural purpose only », « no commercial value », Maximum value 2 USD. Questions to cetusss (at) elvisss.com. 
SHOW in Bureau culturel - 1st-30NOVEMBER2013
(Geneva – Switzerland)

More info.


Arte Urbano: Más allá de la calle

Click here for watch the TV programme (including the ISCE Crew and many other spaniard and international activists, photographers and artists!)




Poster for the trip to Brighton and London this summer, representing International Sticker Crew and Asses and Tits.


Re-Writing the Streets: The International Language of Stickers

Re-Writing the Streets: The International Language of Stickers
A Traveling Exhibition
Curated by Catherine Tedford and Oliver Baudach
In the last twenty years, street art has evolved dramatically from the graffiti that peppered subway stations, back alleys, and train yards, and was typically seen as vandalism.  Today, new forms of visual communication are created in public spaces, often attracting viewers in more contemplative and/or interactive ways.  Street art stickers, or simply “stickers,” have emerged as a vehicle for self-expression and an effective way to engage passersby.  Stickers may be used to “tag” or claim a space and make it temporarily one’s own, to sell products or services, to announce events, to publicize blogs or other social media sites, or to offer social commentary and political critique.  As one of the most democratic art forms, stickers can be created and distributed easily, quickly, and widely, through do-it-yourself drawings, silkscreens, and stencils, or inexpensive online printing companies.
In urban sites typically dominated by commercial advertising and corporate logos, publicly placed stickers, by their very presence, re-write the streets and produce what curator Nato Thompson calls “creative disruptions of every day life.”  Sticker artists use a range of rhetorical strategies in their work, from humor and charm to rebellion and resistance.  Representing a diverse array of voices and perspectives, stickers offer a spirited “ground up” alternative to an often “top down” media-saturated environment.  And although street art stickers are ephemeral by nature, they capture the creative, cultural, and political pulse of time and place.
Drawing the finest examples from two collectors, Oliver Baudach in Germany and Catherine Tedford in the United States, the exhibition includes over 800 original, unused stickers grouped by artists, themes, dates, and geographic locations.  Oliver Baudach is the founder and director of Germany’s Berlin-based Hatch Kingdom, the world’s first museum devoted to sticker art.  Representing three decades of work and spanning genres from character design artists to skateboarding and street wear, Baudach’s collection numbers over 25,000 stickers from Europe and around the world.  With an extensive network of artist contacts, Baudach has become a leading expert in the field.  Catherine Tedford, gallery director at St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York, has been collecting stickers since 2003, and her collection numbers over 8,000 stickers from North America and Europe.  Her recent focus is on historical political stickers produced in the United States by such organizations as the Industrial Workers of the World during the 1910s and Students for a Democratic Society during the 1960s and ‘70s, as well as Catalonian separatist stickers from Spain during the 1970s and ‘80s, examples of which are all included in the exhibition.
Individual sticker artists and artists’ collaboratives who tag the streets are represented in the exhibition, though rather than using their real names, most artists adopt street names that conceal their true identities.  Well-known artists in the exhibition include Cupco (Australia); Hoplouie (Denmark); Flying Fortress, Haevi, Ping Pong, Prost, Tower, and 24/7 Crew (Germany); Bust and Sol Crew (Netherlands); and Evoker, Obey Giant, RobotsWillKill, Zoltron, and 14Bolt (United States).  Some artists tag the streets with humanoid figures, robots, animals, insects, eyes, hands, and other imaginative character designs, while other artists play with type fonts and other graphic design elements.  Such portraiture and signature stickers are widespread, whereby artists are engaged in tireless self-promotion.  Other stickers serve as social commentary and critique, and subjects addressed in the exhibition include animal rights, civil liberties, the economy, environmental issues, identity, music, political protest, and sports.
  • Fifty-two framed sets of stickers grouped by artists, themes, dates, and geographic locations
  • A main text panel that provides an overview of the exhibition
  • Two co-curators’ statements describing their history and experience with stickers
  • Thirty accompanying interpretive text panels with artists’ statements and/or artistic, cultural, and historical contextual analysis.
  • A limited edition ‘zine catalogue featuring full-color illustrations and selected artists’ statements; 25 are included with the traveling exhibition, and additional copies can be purchased for $5.00 each.
  • Contemporary sticker-related publications, ‘zines, and sticker rolls for display cases and hands-on viewing.
Outreach for Teaching and Research
Re-Writing the Streets: The International Language of Stickers is geared toward college and university audiences in the United States and Canada, though the exhibition will be of interest to a broader public of all ages.  The exhibition will introduce sticker art to new audiences; offer those in academic and art circles an exciting and versatile educational resource; and provide wider recognition for an important contemporary artistic movement.  A multitude of subjects exist in this field for teaching and research in disciplines ranging from art and art history, communication studies, cultural studies, and global studies to government, modern languages, and sociology.


Meet the Artists #2: Cheri Balo

Meet the Artists: ¿Cuál es tu AKA y de donde viene tu nombre?
Meet the Artists: What’s your AKA and where does it come from?

Cheri Balo: Balo. Un apodo que me puso mi hermano cuando tenía cuatro años.
Cheri Balo: Balo. Nickname given to my by my brother when I was four years old.

MTA: ¿Tienes más seudónimos o tuviste algún otro en el pasado?
MTA: Do you have any other AKA, or did you have any others in the past?

CB: CheriB, también escribo L'amour.
CB: CheriB and I also write L’Amour.

MTA: ¿Cómo definirías lo que haces? (graffiti, street art, paste ups. pop art...)
MTA: How would you define what you do? (graffiti, street art, paste ups, pop art...)

CB: Lo que hago, me atraía desde siempre, parece que no pueda parar por mi misma. Habitualmente es una mezcla de todo. Además de haberme formado como diseñadora gráfica también soy artista. Practico en diferentes medios en función del tiempo que tenga libre.
Mi pasión siempre ha sido el graffiti, pero no salgo mucho de "getting up"... por eso aprovecho para hacer letras (tags) y pegatinas que hacen mi vida un poquito más fantástica.
CB: What I do, haunts me since forever, doesn't seem I can stop. But it's usually a mixture of everything. As much as I am trained graphic designer I'm also an artist, I practice different media as much as time lets me.
My passion was always graffiti, but I don't get up much… because of that, there's this thing called lettering (tagging) and stickers that make my life a bit more fantastic.

MTA: ¿Desde cuando escribes graffiti?, ¿por qué empezaste?
MTA: Since when do you write graffiti?, why did you start writing it?

CB: Si hubiese continuado de seguido cuando empecé, serían al menos 8 años, pero ya sabes, no he estado activa todo este tiempo. Como dije, es lo que se apoderó de mi desde niña.
CB: If I would continue when I started it would be at least 8 years, but you know, I didn't, not really. Like said, it's the thing that haunts me from when I was a child.

MTA: ¿En qué ciudades te expresas?, ¿como ves en ellas el movimiento del arte urbano?
MTA: In which cities do you express yourself? How do you see urban art movement in them?

CB: Bueno, soy de Ljubljana, aquí el movimiento es muy sencillo, porque no hay demasiado, es una ciudad pequeña y eso. Tenemos en torno a 4 crews de graffiti que son sólidas, haciendo sus movidas. Solía haber mucho beef entre ellas, pero ahora están aprendiendo lentamente a trabajar de manera conjunta, y pienso que esto es algo tremendo, pero ya sabes, siempre tiene que haber alguna movida entre ellos para estimularlos, jaja. Pero tenemos bastante efecto en todos los Balcanes, lo que hace la cosa mucho más interesante. Además hay una comunidad bastante buena funcionando por aquí, uniéndose los elementos de la cultura hip-hop, y si todo se desarrolla bien, algo serio puede salir de aquí!
CB: Well, I'm from Ljubljana, here the movement is pretty simple, 'cos there is not that much to it, small city and shit. We have about 4 solid graffiti crews, doing their thing. It used to be a lot of beef between them, but now they are slowly learning to work together, which I think is a pretty awesome thing, but you know, there needs to be some shit going on just to stimulate them, ha. But we have a lot of effect from the whole Balcans, witch makes the thing much more interesting. Also there is a pretty nice community going on here, joining the ultimate elements of “hip-hop” culture, and if everything develops nicely, some serious shit can actually go down!

MTA: ¿Vandalismo o legal?, ¿por qué?
MTA: Vandalism or legal walls? Why?

CB: bueno está la adrenalina y esa mierda, pero eh, tengo que hacerlo legal. No puedo preocupar a mi madre, tío.
CB: Well theres that adrenalin and shit but hey, I need to go with Legal. Can't worry my Mom, dude.

MTA: ¿Cómo definirías tu estilo?
MTA: How would you define your style?

CB: Funky Fresh!
CB: Funky Fresh!

MTA: ¿Cuáles son tus influencias?
MTA: Which are your influences

CB: música, otros artistas, y ya sabes.... otras muchas cosas.
CB: Music, other artist, and you know… everything else.

MTA: ¿Usas algún truco para inspirarte?
MTA: Any trick to reach inspiration?

CB: muchos bocetos, escuchar música, y además, no forzar nada.
CB: Sketch, a lot and listen to music, plus, don't force anything.

MTA: ¿Qué es indispensable cuando creas?
MTA: What is required when you create a new artwork?

CB: Todo, y tener tiempo!
CB: Everything and the time!

MTA: ¿Cuál ha sido tu mejor experiencia, esa que no podrás olvidar?
MTA: Which was your most valuable experience? that one you won’t ever forget.

CB: Hm... tengo mala memoria, jaja. Pero sé que me quedo impresionada cada vez que observo a otros muy buenos escritores pintando, y cuando hacemos sesiones de boceteo improvisado.
CB: Hm… I'm bad with memory, ha. But I know I get amazed every time I watch others, really good, writers paint and when we do spontaneous sketchbook sessions.

MTA: ¿Qué marca de spray recomendarías y por qué?
MTA: Would you recommend any spraycan brand? Why?

CB: ya sabes, los clásicos MTN y Molotow, por supuesto. Por su CALIDAD!
CB: You know the ultimate classics MTN and Molotow, of course. Because of QUALITY!

MTA: ¿Tienes colores o estilos favoritos?
MTA: Do you have any favorite colors or styles?

CB: No, no tengo colores favoritos, depende de lo que estés haciendo y de como te sientas en el momento, al menos para mi. Siempre he sido fan de los estilos de la vieja escuela, SIEMPRE, pero me pone a tope ver algo completamente fresh y diferente, innovador en los muros o los blackbooks o lo que sea, hace que mi corazón se deshaga y mantiene mi esperanza a tono, jaja.
CB: No, can't favorize colours, it depends on the thing you do and the moment you feel, at least for me. I was always a fan of ol' skool styles, ALWAYS, but man it turns me on when I see something totally fresh and different and innovative on walls or sketchbooks or whatever, it makes my heart melt and keeps my hopes up, haha.

MTA: ¿Cómo crees que ve la gente de a pie tu arte?
MTA: How do you think normal citizens see your art?

CB: No lo hacen, jaja.
CB: They don't, haha.

MTA: ¿Hacia dónde crees que se dirige el movimiento?
MTA: Where is this movement heading to?

CB: Bueno ya pasó de las calles a las galerías y coleccionistas adinerados, pero hay mucho más aún por hacer con esto, soy muy optimista al respecto. Pero no creo que ellos vayan nunca a respetar el vandalismo tampoco.
CB: Well it already came from streets to galleries and to high paying rollers, but theres much more we can still do with it, so I can only see bright days about that. But I don't think they'll ever respect vandalism tho.

MTA: ¿Dónde podemos ver tu obra?
MTA: Where can we check your artworks?

MTA: ¿Unas últimas palabras para terminar?
MTA: Any final Words before ending the interview?

CB: Gracias por leer la entrevista, no paréis de practicar y de compartir conocimiento (gratuitamente)! KILLA Bs REPRESENT! peace+love+respect :*
CB: Thanks for reading, don't stop practicing and share your knowledge (for free)! KILLA Bs REPRESENT! peace+love+respect :*


Germany Style - Melting Pot Melting Pop Propaganda

Germany Style - Melting Pot Melting Pop Propaganda

MELTING POT MELTING POP - Call for Sticker Artists
In 2010, for commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the death of Keith Haring, Stelleconfuse created the project "Stick On Haring!". After the great success of the first event in the Festival Multiarte of Montaione (Italy) on 26/06/2010, "Stick On Haring!" has become a touring concept that has touched the main Italian cities and beyond. In three years that the project has developed is possible count 30 events which, after the first specifically dedicated to Keith Haring, have paid tribute to the various shades of Pop Art
In this album you can see the photos of all the events "Stick On Haring!":
"Melting Pot Melting Pop" is a new concept that will be developed during 2013 in a series of events in which the protagonists are still sticker. The new name of the project, in addition to still based on the world of Pop Art, aims to highlight the sense of unity and community that animates the sticker artist.
You can send your works (stickers) to:
Stelleconfuse c/o
Mirko Vignozzi
Via Piandaccoli 1/B
50055 Malmantile
Deadline 30/06/2013
For any questions and suggestions please send a mail to stelleconfuse@hotmail.it
or join in “Melting Pot Melting Pop” Flickr group: www.flickr.com/groups/stick_on_haring/
En 2010, para conmemorar el vigésimo aniversario de la muerte de Keith Haring, Stelleconfuse creó el proyecto "Stick On Haring!". Después del gran éxito del primer evento en el Festival Multiarte de Montaione (Italia) el 26/06/2010, "Stick On Haring!" se ha convertido en un proyecto itinerante que ha tocado las principales ciudades italianas y más allá. En los tres años que el proyecto se ha desarrollado que puede contar 30 acontecimientos que, después de la primera específicamente a Keith Haring, se rindió homenaje a el mundo de Arte Pop.
En este álbum se puede ver las fotos de todos los eventos "Stick On Haring!":
"Melting Pot Melting Pop" es un nuevo proyecto que se desarrollará durante el año 2013 en una serie de eventos en los que los protagonistas son todavía sticker. El nuevo nombre del proyecto, además de todavía basado en el mundo del Arte Pop, tiene como objetivo destacar el sentido de unidad y de la comunidad que anima todos los sticker artist.
Si quieres participar envía tu trabajo (pegatina) a:
Stelleconfuse c/o
Mirko Vignozzi
Via Piandaccoli 1/B
50055 Malmantile
Deadline 30/06/2013
Para obtener más información o sugerencia escriba a: stelleconfuse@hotmail.it
o participa en el grupo de Flickr “Melting Pot Melting Pop”: www.flickr.com/groups/stick_on_haring/
Nel 2010, per commemorare il ventennale della scomparsa di Keith Haring, Stelleconfuse ha ideato il progetto “Stick On Haring!”. Dopo il grande successo del primo evento al Festival Multiarte di Montaione (Italy) del 26/06/2010, “Stick On Haring!” è diventato un concept itinerante che ha toccato le principali città italiane e non solo. Nei tre anni in cui il progetto si è sviluppato si possono contare 30 eventi i quali, dopo i primi dedicati espressamente a Keith Haring, hanno omaggiato le varie sfumature della Pop Art.
In questo album sono visibili le foto di tutti gli eventi “Stick On Haring!”:www.flickr.com/photos/stelleconfuse/collections/721576238...
“Melting Pot Melting Pop” è il nuovo concept che durante il 2013 si svilupperà in una serie di eventi in cui saranno ancora protagonisti gli sticker. La nuova denominazione del progetto, oltre ad avere ancora come riferimento il mondo della pop Art, vuole mettere in evidenza il senso di unione e di comunità che anima gli sticker artist.
Se vuoi partecipare invia i tuoi lavori (sticker) a:
Stelleconfuse c/o
Mirko Vignozzi
Via Piandaccoli 1/B
50055 Malmantile
Deadline 30/06/2013
Per ulteriori informazioni o suggerimenti scrivi a: stelleconfuse@hotmail.it
o partecipa nel gruppo Flickr “Melting Pot Melting Pop”: www.flickr.com/groups/stick_on_haring/